The advice in administrative matters in general. The online processing of license plates and vehicle transfers, through the mandate of the DGT (National Department of Traffic, Dirección General de Tráfico), centralizing all the services related to the processing of vehicles through the Association. Management and defence in tax and financial matters, in labour and commercial matters. Cooperation agreements executed by the General Council of Administrative Agents with different Administrations: State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT), General Directorate for Registries and Notaries of the Ministry of Justice (filing of applications of applications for Spanish nationality based on residence), Ministry of Regional Affairs (Renewals of Immigration Authorisations and Applications for Immigration Authorisations), Regional Cadastral Department, and other professional groups such as Registrars and Notaries or institutions such as the ONCE, the Spanish National Organisation for the Blind, etc.
All these activities are carried out in line with the new technologies, acting through computer platforms with the status of collegiate professionals, subject to the ethical rules set forth in the Organic Statute of the Profession and in the Specific Statutes of each Association, rendering their services either as natural persons or professional societies, being able to hire employees and third-party co-operators.
Our professional performance is protected by the coverage afforded by the Collective Insurance Policy of Professional Civil Liability, whose policyholder is the Association.
The profession of administrative agent will be exercised personally, without interposition of any person, with the sole help of those employees authorized to handle administrative proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Profession.
It will be an indispensable requisite for the exercise of the profession of administrative agent the incorporation to the local Association of the city where the main or exclusive professional address is located. This membership will allow to practice the profession throughout the whole national territory, under the terms established by the Law of Professional Associations and the Statute of the Profession.
The areas of action of Administrative Agents are the following ones, without limitation:
- Civil Registry, family and justice
- Marriage Certificates
- Birth Certificates
- Change of surnames
- Passport
- Census registration
- Last Will Certificates
- Criminal record certificate and / or cancellation
- Marriage certificates
- Death certificates
- Wills
- Land Registry formalities
- Registration advertising
- Certificates
- Registrations
- Management of Deeds
- Housing
- Purchase and sale
- Mortgages
- Taxes
- Contracts
- Traffic
- Transfers
- Driving license
- License plates
- Retention of Title
- Nationality and Immigration formalities
- Application for Spanish nationality on grounds of residence
- Applications and renewals of immigration permits
- Social security
- Pensions
- Retirements
- Liquidations
- Employment History
- Taxes
- Transfers
- Successions – donations
- Real Estate Tax
- Income Tax
- Capital Gains Tax
- Trademarks, patents and domains
- Trademark registration
- Patent management
- Domain registration
- Hunting and Fishing
- Licenses
- Firearms Licences
- Legalizations
- Certificates
- Visas
- Official Translations
And other formalities related to the advice on and handling of administrative procedures.