Regulations governing the profession of Administrative Agent
- Organic Statute of the Profession of Administrative Agent, approved by D 424/1963, of 1 March (BOE-A-1963-5030)
- Law 2/1974 of 13 February, on Professional Associations
- Law 25/2009, of 22 December, amending several laws for their adaptation to the Law on free access to service activities and their practice.
- Law 17/2009, of 23 November, on free access to service activities and their practice.
Mandate forms
- Generic professional mandate form (March 2021) (english version)
- Specific professional mandate form (March 2021) (english version)
- Specific professional mandate form for the application for the Spanish nationality (March 2021) (english version)
- Specific professional mandate form for immigration formalities (March 2021) (english version)
- Professional Mandate form for the obtaining of a duplicate driver licence (March 2021) (english version)