One Stop Shop

Official Certificate Application Form

Those candidates who have successful passed any of the entrance exams organised by the General Council may request (according to the model) a certificate confirming that they have passed these exams, but which will not entitle them to practise the profession or to apply for membership of a professional association. In this case, the fee for the issue of this certificate shall be 20 euros, which shall also be paid into the account number ES64 0081 7110 9000 0222 4225 (Beneficiary: Consejo General de Gestores Administrativos. Concept: Name and surname and “Certificado acreditativo”). The remaining procedures and documentation required are the same as for the issuing of the CUE and the Administrative Agent’s Certificate indicated above.

One Stop Shop

  1. General information
    The General Council of Associations of Administrative Agents of Spain, in accordance with Article 10 of Law 2/1974 of 13 February on Professional Associations and Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market, and in compliance with the provisions of Law 17/2009, of 23 November, on free access to service activities and their exercise, as well as the provisions of Law 25/2009, of 23 November, amending various laws for their adaptation to the Law on free access to service activities and their exercise, and in accordance with the provisions of Law 25/2009, of 22 December, amending various laws to adapt them to the Law on free access to service activities and the exercise thereof, makes available to all members and citizens the One-Stop Shop for the completion of each and every one of the procedures related to the activity of the profession of administrative agent.
  2. Applicable regulations
    Code of Ethics of the Administrative Agent Profession.
  3. Register of Administrative Agents
    In this link you can access the register of Administrative Agents in Spain and the Professional Companies registered with their respective Professional Associations
  4. Link to the Official Associations of Administrative Agents of Spain
    In the following link you can find an access to the 22 Professional Associations of Administrative Agents operating in Spain.
  5. Membership
    In order to be admitted as an Administrative Agent, candidates must meet the following requirements:

    • To be a Spaniard or a foreigner resident in Spain from a country that grants reciprocity of qualifications and rights.
    • To be of full age.
    • Not have been sentenced to penalties that disqualify them from holding a public office.
    • To be in possession of one of the following academic qualifications:
      • Degree in Law.
      • Graduate in Economics.
      • Graduate in Business Administration.
      • Graduate in Political Science.
    • Have passed the required aptitude tests, or have completed an Official Master’s Degree in Administrative Management imparted at one of the relevant universities.
    • To be registered for the taxes corresponding to the profession of Administrative Agent.
    • To be a member of an Official Association of Administrative Agents and to have paid the costs of joining the Association and the costs of issuing the professional qualification.
    • To have applied for membership of the General Mutual Insurance Company for Administrative Agents and to have paid the Social Security Contributions for Self-Employed Workers, in accordance with the legislation in force.

    • The candidate must register with the Official Association of the Province where he/she has his/her sole or main professional domicile. To that effect, he/she may consult the requirements established by each Professional Association through the links specified in point 4 “Link to the Official Associations of Administrative Agents in Spain”, and the Association concerned will indicate the procedures to be followed.

  6. Forms for obtaining the title of Administrative Agent issued by the General Council.
    By means of the following forms you can request from the General Council the necessary documents to obtain the title of Administrative Agent, as well as the certificate evidencing that you have passed the aptitude tests, which is necessary to become a member of one of the Official Associations of Administrative Agents in Spain.

  7. Queries and complaints procedure
    To make any query, complaint or claim to the General Council of Associations of Administrative Agents of Spain you must fill in this form. (All fields marked with an * are mandatory)

      • If you wish to make a complaint or suggestion directly to any of the Official Associations of Administrative Agents, you may click on the links specified in point 4 “Link to the Official Associations of Administrative Agents of Spain”.
      • You can also make your claim or complaint to the OCU (Organisation of Consumers and Users) or any other association or organisation of consumers and users of your convenience.