The activity of the Administrative Agents, as it is currently being developed, began in 1933, through the approval and entry into force of the Decree of 28 November 1933 (Gaceta de Madrid nº 333 of 29-11-1933, pages 1.324-1).328), approving the Regulations, which establishes the name of administrative agent, and regulates the performance of their functions and professional activities, which was subsequently completed by the Order of the Ministry of Commerce of March 17, 1952, which set forth the rules for the holding of the examinations for admission to the Colleges of Administrative Agents.
However, this profession has a centuries-old tradition, which began in the 15th century with the so-called solicitors and subsequently with other professionals known as business agents, since 1847. An accumulated experience that allows administrative agents to be at all times at the forefront of the advances registered by the Administrations.
Medieval Origins: The Solicitors
The Association of Business Agents of Madrid
Mandatory Membership and New Deregulation
The professional duties of Business Agents
Barristers – 1952
Access Test – 1952
General Meeting – 1954
Bachelors in Business Administration – 1955
Ministry of the Presidency – 1958
Mutuality – 1966
Gaceta de Madrid
Attorneys – 1877
Regulations of the Association – 1901
Tax Contribution Obligation- 1903
Payment Obligations – 1919
Regulations- 1935
Lawyers – 1936