Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the governing body of the General Council, which deals with all procedural matters, implements the resolutions of the Plenary Board and decides on any matters that do not require the approval of this latter. It is renewed, through an electoral process, every three years.
The Executive Committee consists of the President, 1st and 2nd Vice-presidents, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Vice treasurer and the Accountant.
The President
The President represents the profession before the Public Administration bodies and is in charge of the relationships and communications with them. He may also appear before the courts and tribunals on behalf of the profession.
The President chairs the meeting of the Plenary Board and the Executive Committee, sets the agenda and directs its debates. He also chairs the sessions of the different areas of work; appoints local assistant investigators for the Investigation Committees, whose opinions will be subsequently ratified by the Executive Committee.
It is the permanent authority in charge of channelling the information and communication between the Associations and the Ministry of the Presidency, on which our corporation ultimately depends.
Under his/her own responsibility, in very urgent cases, the President may adopt as many resolutions and measures deemed appropriate for the defence of the interests of professionals, assuming all functions of the General Council with the obligation to submit all those resolutions to the Plenary Board for their validation or rejection. Finally, he is in charge of ordering payments. In justified cases it can be replaced by one of the two vice-presidents.
The Secretary is the chief of staff of the General Council. He is in charge of keeping the Register of the Resolutions adopted by the Plenary Board and the Executive Committee; The Secretary also monitors the implementation of the orders of the Presidency; drafts the Annual Report and the minutes of the meetings of the General Council, the Executive Committee and other meetings attended by him to certify their activities vis-à-vis the organization; keeps the statistics and census of the members, as well as any proceedings that may have been initiated; issues certificates; supervises the Records of the Collegial Census and performs the acts of communication.
The treasurer is in charge of guarding, under his responsibility, the funds of the General Council; makes collections and payments; authorizes, through his own signature, jointly with the president and the accountant, any bank drafts and cheques issued, and signs any payment and transfer documents. The treasurer can be helped by the vice treasurer.
Accounting officer
The accounting officer is responsible for the accounting books, recording any collection, payment and accounting documents, preparing the balance sheets and settlements at the closing of each year; the accounting officer also prepares the budgets and submits them to the Executive Committee and the Plenary Board.