The Association of Business Agents of Madrid

The Association of Business Agents of Madrid, whose mission was “To guarantee to the public the probity, intelligence and activity of all the individuals, by means of public and reserved reports and the proficiency exam required become a member” was approved in 1847.

However, the Government of Queen Isabel II did not believe that compulsory membership was necessary for the practice of the profession, which remained free, although there was an institution responsible for ensuring the rights and interests of its members and the citizens.

It is interesting to read the “Guía nueva de litigantes y pretendientes… o Arte de manejarse en la Corte… propio para el buen éxito de las pretensiones de cada uno, en las que se da cuenta de todas las dependencias públicas, judiciales, abogados, agentes de negocios…”, published by Francisco Mariano Nipho, and later on, at the beginning of the 19th century, by his son.

Also, the publication “El indicador de Madrid para el año 1858, o sea Índice General de los principales habitantes, con las señas de sus habitaciones, así como de los contribuyentes y oficinas públicas y particulares, con un breve resumen de noticias de esta capital”, published by Fernando Domingo López, collects the names and addresses of the offices of the 26 founders of the College and of the 27 members who had joined the supervisory team of the Association since then.

The Articles of Association set forth, as one of the main purposes of the profession “to preserve the honorary occupation of the agent and to offer the public a guarantee of probity, intelligence and activity”.

However, these provisions, once again, did not serve to resolve and channel the problem of abuses on customers and citizens in general. For this reason, the Royal Order dated 18 February 1856 tried to prevent “the abuses of some people who, pretending to be influential, promised the rapid and favourable dispatch of claims, irrespective of whether they are just or not, provided that their clients were ready to reward them with huge amounts of money. ” This way, the regulatory channels for the handling of proceedings were regulated and the favourable treatments were prohibited.

As a result of the need to put the Administration in order, on April 28, 1877, a Royal Treasury Order recalled the need to demand “To all Ministries the absolute necessity of preventing the exercise of the profession of business agent to anyone who does not prove to be enrolled in the Industrial contribution Tax register “.

The Royal Treasury Order, dated November 29, 1893, stated that “All those individuals who hold the position of business agents in connection with any matter entrusted to them by any individual may be received and any office or department of this Ministry at the time set to that effect.”

There is another Royal Order dated 19 March 1899, which claimed responsibilities on the parts of the employees of the Treasury and those who practice the profession in an invasive manner.